Peace be upon you ! Hello i'm Mubarok and i'm Website Developer and Mountaineer from Bandung. I feel very blessed and fortunate because Allah brought me together with many wonderful people, so I have reason to share smiles and other things so that they can be useful for the people around me, including myself. One way is to put each idea into a series of codes so that it becomes something useful later. Since then I have been a website developer. Armed with the experience of creating a website with PHP and Javascript. and i want to make something amazing with you.
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air (PUSAIR) or The Center for Research and Development of Water Resources is one of four research and development institutions under the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.
is an ordering service as well as payment of travel tickets online through the first website in Indonesia. TIKETUX was created to be able to serve travel users in making transactions easily and quickly, according to the needs of today's Indonesian society. TIKETUX provides convenience in payment in several ways through ATM, Internet Banking, and other banking services in more than 50 banks. TIKETUX is the solution to various problems of travel for both business and your family. Created to understand the busyness and needs of the people of Indonesia, hoping to provide maximum convenience for you, according to the tagline "Just click and go .......".
Polytechnic TEDC Bandung is a higher education institution founded by the Daya Juang Bangsa Foundation, on May 2, 2001 by the Decree of the Minister of Education number: 73/D/O/2002. As an institution of vocational higher education, Polytechnic TEDC Bandung prepares graduates to be directly involved in operational tasks in the industry. Basically industries targeted by TEDC Polytechnic Bandung is a business services industry in the areas of education engineering and health.
Cimahi 1 State Vocational School (STM Pembangunan Bandung) is one of the Vocational Secondary Education Institutions in Cimahi City SMK Negeri 1 Cimahi, having its address at Jl. Mahar Martanegara (Leuwigajah) No. 48 City of Cimahi